How to set up auto pay / on-line giving…. for your weekly contributions:
This service is without cost to YOU or the Parish and your entire gift goes to the parish (unlike using PayPal). Furthermore, when you give using a recurring payment you don’t have to worry about forgetting about bringing your check (or cash) each week, or being out of town. Setting up a recurring payment via your online bank account is easy.
Although each bank’s website is a little different, the basic concept is the same for each of them. When you give this way, the bank mails the church the check and does not charge you or the church anything.
1. Go to your bank’s website and click on the site where your bills on-line
2. Click an Add a Company or Payee (varies for different banks)
3. Click on Charities and complete the required information:
Immaculate Heart of Mary
256 State Street, Granby, MA 01033
Phone: (413)467-9821
(If an account number is required, just put your church envelope number)
4. After completing the Payee information, select Auto Pay and the amount of your giving and the frequency (ie. weekly, monthly, etc).
If you have any questions, please contact your bank or call the parish office at (413)467-9821.