Finance Council
Our Finance Council provides the necessary administrative and financial skills to advise the Pastor on matters relating to administration and stewardship of human resources, parish facilities, and parish finances. In doing its work, the Finance Council is guided, not only by Gospel values, but also by good business principles and practices. The Council has access to all financial information and records in conjunction with the Pastor to accomplish the mission of the Church, with the understanding that all financial information is given and received with due regard to confidentiality and prudence.
The Finance Council serves as an advisory body to the pastor and reports to the Pastoral Council and parishioners. The Council is responsible for preparing, reviewing, and approving an annual budget. Safeguarding financial assets, credit sources of the parish, as well as allocating the proper deposit of church funds into interest bearing accounts, reporting on its financial affairs, and supervising the physical properties of the parish. The Council is responsible for developing financial plans as necessary repairs arise and replacement is required of parish facilities and equipment.
We are looking for interested parishioners who have the necessary experience and expertise to help us achieve our goals and objectives. Membership to the Council is an appointed position by the Pastor.
Please contact Deanna Haas, our Office Administrator at the rectory to learn more about participating in this most rewarding ministry.