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Ministry of Ushers

The purpose of this ministry is to welcome parishioners, their guests, and visitors to the Celebration of the Eucharist at each weekend Mass.  Each Usher is entrusted with promoting a sense of welcoming and belonging to all the faithful assembled for worship.  They are the first point of contact for the communal celebration of the Liturgy and because of this, should be proud to represent our parish to the entire congregation.

There are between two to four Ushers scheduled for each of the weekend Masses.  Each Usher shall wear the designated short sleeve or long sleeve shirt depending on the season.  Usher responsibilities include the following.

Before Mass

  1. Arrive at Church approximately 30 minutes before the scheduled Mass.

  2. Unlock all doors, including the Sacristy.

  3. Turn on lights and bring the Bulletins to the Vestibule of the Church.

  4. Check the Holy Water dispenser is adequately filled.  Refill if necessary.

  5. Turn on the air humidifier near the piano using the remote control.

  6. Light Altar candled approximately 15 minutes before the scheduled Mass.

  7. As individuals approach the front doors, open the door greeting that person.

  8. Provide masks, wheelchairs, and hearing devices if requested.

  9. Assist in seating if necessary and attend to the needs of the disabled.

  10. Ring chimes three times when directed to by the Priest.

During Mass

  1. Help out with any situations that may arise during the celebration of the Mass.

  2. Keep track of the Collection Basket.

  3. Identify to the Priest, parishioners who may have requested or have shown difficulty in walking who want to receive Holy Communion.

End of Mass

  1. Offer Bulletins to exiting parishioners, wishing everyone a good day.

  2. Designated Usher collects the weekly Offertory Envelopes putting them in a Deposit Envelope and locks this envelope in the lower middle cabinet in the Sacristy.

  3. Extinguish all candles after Mass.  Do not extinguish the Sanctuary candles located on either side of the Tabernacle.

Please contact Deanna at (413) 467-9821 at our parish office to learn more about participating in this most rewarding ministry.

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