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Money Counters & Clerical Support

This ministry includes a team of parishioners who take turns counting and depositing collections from the holy day and weekend Masses as well as providing clerical support for the Parish Secretary.

The counting takes place in the Rectory and is completed in approximately one hour of time.  Monday mornings are usually the best time to complete this task unless the Monday falls on a holiday in which case the counting is moved to Tuesday.  Parishioners can assist the counters by considering the following guidelines.


  • The amount of each donation must be marked on the outside of each envelope to guarantee the correct credit is given to that parishioner.  One of the main responsibilities of the Counters is to catch all unmarked envelopes and make certain the correct donation amount is marked on the parishioner envelope.

  • Donations are recorded in logs using the specific envelope each parishioner uses.

  • Deposits are made at the end of the day of counting to ensure funds are promptly secured.

Clerical Support

Do you have a gift for hospitality and organization?  Do you enjoy light computer work and answering the phones?  Or possibly you enjoy the camaraderie of others as you join together and help with the occasional parish bulk mailings?  If you would like to share your time and talents to support the parish office, please contact our parish secretary to learn more.

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